On the marginal gains of computed optimal pacing strategies


  • Ramona Burger University of Konstanz
  • Alexander Artiga Gonzalez University of Konstanz
  • Dietmar Saupe University of Konstanz


data analysis, pacing strategy, marginal gains, road cycling


There are numerous sources of computed pacing strategies that optimize the power output over an activity using mathematical models. In this work, we analyze and compare different computed optimal pacing strategies with each other and compare them to the pacing strategies of approximately 12,000 empirical rides on a popular uphill road segment in Adelaide, Australia. We found that some of the computed strategies are more similar than others and that the majority of the riders could have benefited from adapting to a computed strategy.


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How to Cite

Burger, R., Artiga Gonzalez, A., & Saupe, D. (2020). On the marginal gains of computed optimal pacing strategies. Journal of Science and Cycling, 9(2), 31-32. Retrieved from https://jsc-journal.com/index.php/JSC/article/view/577



Science & Cycling Conference, Leuven 2021